Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This blog is run by Andrea Howard for the class GEOG 1202: Introduction to Physical Geography.

I am an undergraduate freshman student. My major is English Writing with an emphasis on creative writing. By taking vastly different and diverse classes I hope to gain knowledge that will ultimately help me in my true goal of becoming a published author. The location I have chosen for this blog is the country of Latvia. While small (it is roughly a little larger than the size of the state West Virginia) it holds beautiful plains and gentle rolling hills.

photo credit

To me it seems that many of the smaller countries of the western world are greatly overlooked. While it can be said that there is nothing absolutely mind boggling about them (for the most part) they are certainly interesting in their own right. Latvia’s geography may not be rough or rugged or the most diverse but it is gentle and sweeping and kind. The beauty is the simplicity of the land. Forests, flowing river, and gentle hills make for a picturesque setting that is easily lovable.

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